Specialized consultancy


Mgr. Pavol Sabela

Contact: +421 948 389 748

Email: stopa.slovensko@gmail.com or message on Facebook OZ STOPA

For the first meeting it is important to book through the above options. Further sessions shall be agreed at a personal meeting as appropriate.

It is one of our most important forms of helping homeless people. It works as an accredited service since 2017. In our organization, it focuses primarily on working and helping people who have gone through long-term integration processes and are no longer physical homeless. We are convinced that physical homelessness is just one of many steps.

Ending mental homelessness is a very important and necessary step. We provide expert advice to address past, trauma and difficult moments that pull homeless people into depression and increase the feeling of loneliness and loneliness. Our service is there for them and actively reduces risks. Specialized social counseling also serves people at risk of homelessness who are facing difficult life situations or are at a crossroads and are unable to move.

Currently, more than 15 people are involved in this process on a regular basis.


Photo: Cukru